02 9651 1100
687 Old Northern Road, Dural, NSW 2158

Female dogs desexed (also called spey or neuter) before their first oestrus, or “heat”, have a 0.05% chance of getting mammary cancer, but this increases to about 7% after their first heat and 26% after pregnancy. Entire female dogs also have a high incidence of pyometra, a terrible and life-threatening type of endometritis. Contrary to advice from some breeders, we never recommend waiting until after the first oestrus because this places your female dog at a much higher risk of cancer.
Desexed (castrated or neutered) males of all species tend to wander less and have fewer altercations.
Desexed animals have a lower metabolic rate (idling speed, energy consumption) so they require about 20% less food, so the cost of feeding over the duration of their lives is greatly reduced.
NSW pet registration is heavily discounted for desexed pets.
Importantly, desexing does not change your pet’s personality – it just minimises hormone-related behaviours and health issues.
Desexed pets have longer, healthier lives and the cost of the surgery is significantly lower than the lifetime cost savings.