02 9651 1100
687 Old Northern Road, Dural, NSW 2158
Bringing your pet to a consultation involves a physical examination where we check for what’s normal and of course we try to find any problems or abnormalities. A vet consultation often takes longer than a human consultation because our patients cannot talk and describe their symptoms. In a way a vet is more like a paediatrician, relying on physical examination, careful observation, and a thorough conversation with the owner (parent!) to try to work out what’s been happening that lead to the visit.
To help reduce waiting times for you and our other clients, please always phone for an appointment. We really do try to see you at your scheduled time, although of course emergencies always take precedence. If we’re running behind schedule, we’ll try to phone you to let you know.
When making an appointment, tell the receptionist if you have several issues requiring attention – we’re very happy to allocate extra time.
Home visits can be arranged if you are unable to bring your pet to us. Please phone ahead with as much notice as possible. Generally you’ll need you to be a bit flexible with the appointment times, especially if both a vet and a nurse need to leave the hospital.
If you have what appears to be an emergency, during our normal opening hours, come straight to the hospital but if possible phone us so we can prepare for your arrival, including rescheduling other clients - this helps our team focus completely on your pet, especially in life-threatening situations.
Outside out normal opening hours, please phone the 24-hour emergency hospitals, either SASH at North Ryde on 9889 0289 or ARH at Baulkham Hills on 9758 8666.
We have great intensive care equipment including oxygen-enriched housing, anti-tick and anti-snakebite serum, intravenous fluid therapy and more - but for really critical cases needing overnight supervision and ventilation, we recommend transfer to a 24-hour hospital.
We have lots of parking out the front, just behind the white picket fence.