02 9651 1100
687 Old Northern Road, Dural, NSW 2158

Parasite Protection
PARASITE CONTROL - Heartworm, worms, ticks, fleas…
Skin parasites can be unpleasant and are not normal. Fleas make your pets and you, uncomfortable and itchy, ticks can be life-threatening – see below.
Intestinal worms are at best uncomfortable and if left untreated can make your pet very ill. They are also zoonotic (transfer between pets and people), so don't forget to worm your pets and your human family regularly.
Heartworm is carried by mosquitoes and can be life-threatening for your pets if left untreated.
We stock a wide range of products for treating and preventing these common parasites - Nexgard, Bravecto, Advocate, Advantix, Comfortis, Capstar, Frontline, Interceptor and Sentinel, and intestinal wormers. If you're not sure, the team can provide good advice on the best product to use. We will provide the most appropriate product for your specific needs – not just products promoted by pet shops, drug companies or celebrity vets.
The Dural area is terrible for ticks. Do not be complacent! Prevention is the best form of protection you can offer your pet.
The Australian paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus, is a deadly skin parasite. People visiting Australia seem to be terrified of our spiders and snakes, as they should be, but for us the paralysis tick is perhaps the single biggest cause of preventable death of pets on Australia’s east coast. These sneaky little bugs are harmless to native wildlife, and they tend to be common in areas where bandicoots and other small mammals live.
The toxin in the tick’s saliva creates a weakening paralysis in the nerve-muscle junction, causing progressing paralysis of the limbs, throat, oesophagus and heart, leading to failure of mobility, swallowing and breathing.
Common signs include coughing, gagging, weak gait, gulping and vomiting, and just feeling terribly sick. These signs are never consistent, so diagnosis can be very elusive.
Prevention is available and is very effective. Many tick products are toxic for cats, so please ask us what to use. Our tick information handout has great advice. If you find a tick on you or your pet, seek professional help urgently.